Course curriculum

    1. START HERE - How to use this course

    2. Welcome to the Course

    3. Course Overview

    4. Intro and Module 1 Workbook

    5. Property Activation Q&A Community

    1. Introduction to Module 1

    2. The Problem with the Normal Development Process

    3. The Community-Centered Development Approach and Property Activation

    4. Module 1 Quiz

    1. Module 2 - Engaging the Public

    2. Module 2 Workbook

    3. Module 2 Complement - Creating a Vision

    4. Workbook - Creating a Vision

    5. Submit Your Assignment

    1. Module 3 - Building Relationships

    2. Module 3 Workbook

    3. Test Yourself - Building Relationships Practice Questions

    4. Building Relationships Continued

    5. Tools and Mechanisms to Support Development

    6. Video Overview of Using the ESRI Reports

    7. Location Quotient - Comparing Two Communites

    8. Link to the free trial of the ESRI Business Analyst Tool

    9. Tools and Mechanisms Continued

    10. Submit your assignment here for Module 3

    1. 1. Introducton to Module 4

    2. Module 4 Workbook

    3. How to navigate

    4. 2. Population Growth

    5. 3. Median Age

    6. 4. Foreign Born Population

    7. 5. Poverty Rate

    8. 6. Median Income and Property Value

    9. 7. Employed Population

    10. 8. Age and Sex Distribution

    11. Optional - Get feedback on your worksheet

    1. Performing a Community Assessment

    2. Module 5 Workbook

    3. Submit your SWOT analysis for Module 5

About this course

  • $395.00

About Us

DTRedevelopment is a company solely focused on providing communities with actionable plans that will build local capacity and create critical assets necessary to facilitate a community-based downtown revitalization process. Our team of architects, planners, landscape architects, and economic development professionals will work with your community to build a framework for the short-, mid-, and long-term future.

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